Pit Fun

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Pit Fun,亦稱Pit,自2001年踏入紋身藝術領域,迅速在馬來西亞紋身業內嶄露頭角。他對紋身的熱愛來自於啟蒙老師/舅舅Max的深厚感情。 年輕的Pit在舅舅的Exotic Tattoo Studio學藝,當時的互聯網並不像今天這樣普及,信息有限,紋身器材更是難覓蹤跡。為了追逐他對紋身藝術的激情,Pit和舅舅不得不從美國引進器材,甚至嘗試親自動手製作針頭。種種困難和未知的挑戰都讓他不得不一一攻克,用心感受紋身的每一層深度。這段充滿挑戰的歷程,磨練出他細膩的技藝和對紋身的深刻理解。

After 13 years of unwavering dedication, Pit inaugurated Pitt’s Tattoo and Piercing in July 2014. The team quickly expanded with the addition of new tattoo artists. At the same time, Pit actively participated in international tattoo exhibitions, achieving significant success and winning numerous awards in various competitions. His expertise and growing reputation also led to invitations to serve as a judge at international tattoo conventions, further solidifying his status as a leading figure in the industry.

What truly sets Pit apart is his use of advanced A.I techniques to create entirely unique designs. Unlike many artists who rely on internet references, Pit generates his artwork from pure creativity, ensuring every tattoo is one of a kind. This dedication to originality is what distinguishes Pit from others in the industry, making him a true visionary and leader in the tattoo world.
